Page 12

Bulletin 430 26th Sunday after Pentecost
and Last Sunday after Pentecost 11-24-1996
              A      B
Bulletin 431 1st Sunday of Advent 12-1-1996
Bulletin 432 2nd Sunday of Advent and
Immaculate Conception 12-8-1996
              A      B
Bulletin 433 3rd Sunday of Advent 12-15-1996
              A      B
Bulletin 434 4th Sunday of Advent 12-22-1996
              A      B
Bulletin 435 Christmas 12-25-1996
              A      B
Bulletin 436 Sunday within the Octave of Christmas 12-29-1996
Bulletin 437 The Most Holy Name of Jesus 1-5-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 438 The Most Holy Family and
1st Sunday after Epiphany and 1-12-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 439 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 1-19-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 440 Septuagesima Sunday 1-26-1997
Bulletin 441 Sexagesima Sunday 2-2-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 442 Quinquagesima Sunday 2-9-1997
Bulletin 443 1st Sunday of Lent 2-16-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 444 2nd Sunday of Lent 2-23-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 445 3rd Sunday of Lent 3-2-1997
Bulletin 446 4th Sunday of Lent 3-9-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 447 Passion Sunday 3-16-1997
Bulletin 448 Palm Sunday 3-23-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 449 Easter Sunday 3-30-1997
              A      B

Bulletin 450 Low Sunday 4-6-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 451 2nd Sunday after Easter 4-13-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 452 3rd Sunday after Easter 4-20-1997
Bulletin 453 4th Sunday after Easter 4-27-1997
Bulletin 454 5th Sunday after Easter 5-4-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 455 Sunday After Feast Of Ascension and
Feast of SS. Philip And James 5-11-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 456 Pentecost Sunday 5-18-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 457 Trinity Sunday 5-25-1997
Bulletin 458 2nd Sunday after Pentecost and
Octave of Corpus Christi 6-1-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 459 3rd Sunday after Pentecost and
Octave of The Sacred Heart of Jesus 6-8-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 460 4th Sunday after Pentecost 6-15-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 461 5th Sunday after Pentecost 6-22-1997
              A      B
Bulletin 462 6th Sunday after Pentecost and
Feast of SS. Peter And Paul 6-29-1997
              A      B

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